Concerned about missing teeth? Gaps between teeth? Chipped teeth? Uneven teeth? Crooked teeth? Stained teeth? Do you want a beautiful smile without shaving down existing teeth and multiple trips to the dentist that may be painful?
After we receive your impressions, our master technicians will take a close look at the models of your existing teeth. They will use 3D modeling technology to design your smile to conceal the empty spaces, gaps, chipped teeth, crooked teeth, or anywhere that’s uneven. Pop On Veneers also conceal any teeth stains or color inconsistencies by allowing you to choose from various white color options for your smile. Your Pop On Veneers go into production with a blend of cutting edge digital design technology with hand craftsmanship. Our high end biocompatible BPA free material allows for the final product to be durable and thin so you’ll have a beautiful natural looking smile.
Your Pop On Veneers will be polished for an ultra smooth finish and a beautiful shine. If you’re looking for a simple, painless, and affordable cosmetic solution from home without going to the dentist, then Pop On Veneers may be the solution for you.
Great question! Pop On Veneers are not always the right solution. Specifically if:
- If you're missing more than 4 teeth on the Top or Bottom
In order for Pop On Veneers to fit securely, we recommend that you have at least 4 teeth for the veneers to pop on to. You can still get Pop On Veneers for just one arch that has more than 4 teeth.
- If you have any loose teeth or caps
We don't want anything to fall out when you make the impression molds of your teeth at home.
If you think your teeth are too big
Since we don't shave down your existing teeth for Pop On Veneers, our designers can't make you teeth any smaller than they are. At times, our designers can create an illusion that your teeth look smaller by designing your veneers.
If you recently had a tooth extraction
We recommend waiting until the area heals in order to make accurate impression molds of your teeth and gums. That way, we can design you Pop On Veneers to fit comfortably over your gums and we can fill the area where your tooth was extracted in a natural looking way..
We always recommend visiting your dentist regularly to maintain proper oral hygiene and care. Good oral hygiene at home and healthy food choices will contribute to healthy living.
Find out in just seconds!
Missing teeth? Chipped teeth? Gaps between teeth? Other dental concerns? Looking for a clip on veneer that's a snap on cosmetic solution or alternative to porcelain veneers, implants, dental bridge, removable denture or other dental procedures?
Find out if you're a candidate for Pop On Veneers in just a few seconds. Then you can choose Top, Bottom or Both Pop On Veneers and choose your favorite white color option for your instant smile. We’ll send your at-home impression kit for free.
It's easy, 3 questions!