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Around NYC 🗽?

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Make your impression teeth molds

@ POP ON in NYC!

Instant scan, convenient appointments, no additional fee, smile design starts immediately

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Choose my veneers

Wondering where to make your impressions?
The choice is yours!

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Welcome to Pop On NYC

Get digital impression scans without putty
@ POP ON in NYC!
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Digital impression at Pop On

impressions at pop on in nyc

What customers say about taking impressions at Pop On

It's easy!

1. Find out Am I A Candidate?
2. Schedule a time for your impressions when you checkout.

Pop On Impression team

Choose my veneers
237 W 37th St
New York, NY 10018

pop on veneers map

Smile Pickup is also available at POP ON in NYC
Learn more

Pop On Veneers® are designed exclusively for cosmetic use, providing a simple and effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical or dental condition. Pop On Veneers® are not a substitute for professional dental care or treatment and are purely for aesthetic purposes.